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Purification of water from plumbing, artesian wells, surface waters of rivers and lakes. Water ozonizers Installation "ozone m" for a country house

One of the newest methods of purifying water from harmful impurities is ozonation. Using this method brings many advantages, both economic and practical. As a result of ozonation, absolutely pure water is produced without any impurities, being suitable for drinking or cooking. In addition to industrial ozonizers used in large enterprises, you can buy a household ozonizer for water purification for individual use.

Benefits of water ozonation

Artesian water contains many different impurities that are unsuitable for consumption. These include heavy metals and microorganisms, as well as chemicals. The main advantage of water purification with ozone is its complete disinfection. It is worth noting that this process occurs quite slowly in everyday conditions.

Industrial water ozonizers

It is also beneficial to purify wastewater in small farms and large industrial enterprises using ozonizers. They quickly and without polluting the environment remove heavy and radioactive metals, as well as organic compounds that give water an unnatural color. Sterilization of water and its enrichment with oxygen, which is also achieved through ozonation, is an integral part of maintaining cleanliness in any industrial premises. The degree of water pollution is considered by government services during routine inspections. Industrial water ozonizers "Ozon-24" are sold in Moscow at prices ranging from 30 to 400 thousand rubles, depending on the volume of liquid to be purified and the required power of the device.

Ozonizers for aquariums

Water ozonizers have long been used to introduce oxygen into closed aquariums. They are waterproof and produce enough ozone (which subsequently decomposes into molecular oxygen) to support small to medium-sized fish farms. The price of such devices is about 18,000 rubles.

Our ozonizers will allow you not to worry about the purity of your water, thus ensuring the success and long-term existence of your enterprise.

Ozonation is a cleaning method using gas (ozone). The use of ozonation technology is a modern and very effective method of oxidizing organic substances, iron and manganese, dissolved in water. The ozone sorption method has become widespread in industry and housing and communal services, in which water is treated with an ozone-air mixture in special chambers, and after ozonation it undergoes clarification using sand filters () and sorption purification using activated carbon (removal of decay products of organic substances).

However, only very passionate people can afford to correctly use ozonation systems for domestic purposes.

First of all, this is due to the high cost of ozonation systems due to the need to use corrosion-resistant materials - pipes, shut-off valves, pumping equipment, special requirements for ventilation and humidity, and the need for highly qualified maintenance personnel. In addition, it is mandatory to install special, expensive instrumentation and alarms, since ozone belongs to the highest class of hazardous substances and, when released into the air, is toxic even in the smallest concentrations.

Due to the above properties, the “household” ozonation installations for cottages found on the market are of very questionable effectiveness, since, to ensure consumer safety, they have very low ozone productivity, which is insufficient for effective water purification. For example, the standard dose of ozone for disinfecting surface water is 1-3 mg/l, for groundwater - 0.75-1 mg/l. If not only disinfection is required, but also clarification and purification from organic contaminants, then up to 4-6 mg/l. With a productivity of a water treatment system for a cottage of about 1.0-1.5 m 3 /hour, we obtain the required amount of ozone of 2-8 g/hour, while existing household ozonizers have a productivity of no more than 1.0 g/hour.

In addition, we must not forget that ozonation cannot be used as the only cleaning method. In order to reduce the content of hardness salts (“soften”), nitrates, fluorine, etc. in any case, it is necessary to use additional cleaning steps.

In fact, existing household ozonizers are quite expensive and unsafe water aeration systems with a beautiful name.

Chief technologist of Ecodar company
Igor Prigun

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It's no secret that clean water today is one of the prerequisites for normal human life. However, in the modern world, not all natural underground and surface water bodies can be used as sources of drinking water.

But today there are a huge number of ways to clean it. Some of them are highly effective, others are not so effective. To implement some methods, it is necessary to use expensive special installations, while others can be implemented using simple improvised means.

Ozone is one of the most effective methods. This chemical element oxidizes contaminants and breaks them down into harmless components. At the same time, the water is disinfected. The ozonation process is carried out using special cleaning systems.

Operating principle

Purifying water using ozone is a fairly safe method. It contains three oxygen atoms. The molecule itself is unstable and can give up one free atom, forming a simple oxygen molecule. A free oxygen atom is an oxidizing agent and, combining with nearby molecules, it destroys them.

Where can ozonation be used?

Water purification with ozone can be used to disinfect and decolorize water, and remove foreign odors and tastes from it. The main process that occurs during purification is oxidation.

The water supply station is equipped with special generators that produce oxidizing gas. It is this that is subsequently passed through the entire volume of water being purified. Gas passing through it gives up free oxygen atoms. They destroy harmful microorganisms and bacteria. As a result of oxidation, oxygen molecules are released, the remainder of ozone molecules, as well as carbon dioxide and gases formed during the decomposition of organic objects.


Note that ozonation of water allows you to achieve better results than chlorination. Firstly, the latter method only helps fight living organisms and does not get rid of dangerous impurities. And secondly, chlorine has a selective, long-term effect, which results in the formation of compounds that pose a danger to human health. Purifying water with ozone is completely safe. It allows you to quickly eliminate bacteria and toxic components.

Ozonizers for water purification also help get rid of magnesium and iron in water. These substances can spoil the taste and give the liquid a yellow tint. In addition, their excessive amounts can have a negative effect on human health. Thanks to the action of ozone, soluble compounds of these elements pass into an insoluble form.

Ozonation of water: stages

The described process is divided into several stages:

  1. First, the water is saturated with gas.
  2. As a result of a chemical reaction, impurities in it decompose into gaseous components or become insoluble.
  3. Once water is purified with ozone, it is filtered, thereby removing suspended particles, sediment and decomposition products.

Water purification plants

Of course, this process requires a special installation. All operation of such systems is programmed. To do this, you need to select the desired operating mode, and first of all, you should take into account the degree of water contamination. In addition, the installation must contain a sufficient amount of ozone to eliminate all contaminants. But there should not be too much of it, since excess gas may remain in the water. It is also necessary to take into account that this element at high concentrations can be harmful to the body. Therefore, the operating mode must be selected by a specialist.

Water that has undergone ozonation is passed through a special filter. Typically, carbon filler is used for this purpose. It helps contain undissolved particles, gases, as well as a number of substances formed during oxidation.

Ozonation: advantages and disadvantages

Purifying water with ozone has its pros and cons. However, this method has many more advantages, which explains its popularity.

Thus, with the help of ozone, you can destroy all types of microorganisms in a fairly short period of time. This requires only a two-second exposure to the liquid. Other disinfectants require much more time.

Microorganisms do not develop resistance to this chemical element. Microorganisms of any type are destroyed: algae, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and even viruses.

An ozone water purification installation helps get rid of unpleasant odors and tastes. In this case, the water does not change its properties, and the ozone remaining after the process simply passes into the atmosphere. During processing, the acidity and other characteristics of the liquid do not change, and the beneficial microelements present in the water are also preserved.

Ozonation also has its disadvantages. For example, ozone cannot be stored or transported. It is performed before the cleaning process. To eliminate complex contaminants, ozone must be directly in contact with the liquid for a long time. Some compounds are destroyed slowly.

To obtain ozone, oxygen must be used.

What is needed to purify water with ozone?

To carry out this procedure, you cannot use improvised means. A special installation called an ozonator is required, which is quite expensive. It is also worth considering that ozone is a strong oxidizing agent. Even a small amount of this substance can cause serious harm to health. Therefore, all processes are carried out using special monitoring devices.

Ozonation: application features

This method is used in agriculture, industry and medicine. It allows you to obtain high quality drinking water purification. It can also be used to disinfect wastewater.

Ozone cleaning helps get rid of biological and chemical contaminants. It can be used both at home and at work. Ozonation is used today in water supply systems. Although it should be noted that the use of this method in the domestic sphere is limited by the rather high cost of installation. But the water supply station of a small cottage village may well be equipped with an ozonizer.

For a large number of households, the ozonation method may be the most suitable option. The main thing is to correctly determine the nature and degree of contamination. Despite the fact that ozonizers are expensive, their use does not require significant costs. To use such installations, no special reagents are required. Therefore, the costs of installing such a system will pay off fairly quickly.

Water purification with ozone: implementation

Currently, ozonation is one of the most effective ways to make water suitable for consumption. This technology is actively used in and can also be used to create communications for country cottage villages. The advantage of ozone is that it can eliminate almost any contaminant. With its help you can neutralize any harmful bacteria and microorganisms. Due to its absolute safety, water purification with ozone has become widespread. The cleaning procedure itself follows the principle that the liquid absorbs air vapor.

The main way to produce ozone for chemical water purification is through the production of oxygen. Next, the gas moves to a special generator, where it is converted into ozone under the influence of electric current. After this, it is transferred through glass tubes to the delivery point. In some cases, two generators are used at once in ozonizing installations. In this case, the first device performs preliminary cleaning. Water is transferred to a special tank using pumps. First, the water is oxidized in the main tank, after which a mixture of ozone and air enters the second. Here it interacts with fresh water, which has not yet undergone the purification procedure.


The ozonation method has a number of positive aspects. As already mentioned, to obtain ozone, significant costs are not required. The main category of costs when using this method includes only the electricity consumed by the generator. Ozonation helps get rid of harmful bacteria and microorganisms, and also improves the smell and taste of water.

Remember how we were taught in childhood: “The sun, air and water are our true friends”? So, this children's saying, unlike many others, is very true. Our well-being and health are really based on these simple things. But even if we are not always able to add more solar warmth and light to our lives, we can definitely change the air and water around us. How? - you ask. We present to your attention an innovative product - an ozanator.

Ozonizers- these are universal devices for maintaining your health and keeping your home clean, the action of which is based on the ability to convert ordinary diatomic oxygen (O2) into triatomic nitrogen (O3), giving it an electrical charge.

The fact is that ozone is a unique chemical substance. In nature, it is a strong and aggressive gas that easily reacts with impurities and harmful substances in the air and other environments. However, in moderate concentrations, ozone is very useful for humans, since it has disinfectant and deodorizing properties, that is, it breaks down harmful O3 toxins into safe compounds (oxygen, carbon dioxide and water).

It is precisely these properties of this substance that ozonizers produce.

What are the benefits of water ozonation?

Ozonation of water occurs on the same principle as ozonation of air (harmful O3 toxins are broken down into harmless ones). The result of this reaction is the enrichment of water with oxygen. Wherein:

  • The taste of water improves.
  • No secondary products hazardous to health are formed in the water. The products of ozone oxidation are harmless oxides that are found everywhere. In this regard, ozonation has a significant advantage over any water treatment with chemical reagents (for example, chlorine), which results in the formation of organochlorine compounds recognized as carcinogens (causative agents of cancer).
  • Ozone does not change the structure of water and does not remove minerals needed by the body from it (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, etc.)
  • The action of ozone is almost instantaneous, thanks to which the ozonizer deals with microorganisms hundreds of times faster than other disinfectants.

The two functions above are basic for any ozonizer, however, some models also allow:

  • Process food.

Ozonation of food products kills bacteria and harmful microorganisms contained in meat or fish, and also eliminates toxic fertilizers accumulated on the surface of vegetables and fruits, so you have the opportunity to get an environmentally friendly and natural product without the need to grow it in a greenhouse for a long time or buy it at an expensive place eco-products store. Ozonation also helps to increase the shelf life of products.

  • Take care of plants and animals.

Ozonated water is recommended for watering indoor plants, as it naturally cleanses the soil, supplies it with oxygen and beneficial ions, promoting the growth of flowers and protecting them from rotting. The same water is ideal for aquariums, because it is saturated with oxygen, which is necessary for your little inhabitants, and also copes well with unpleasant odors and bacteria, preventing fish diseases. You can also deodorize other pets with ozonated air.

  • Disinfect premises and plumbing.

Due to its deodorizing properties, ozonation can be easily used to disinfect rooms, eliminating any unpleasant odors, including tobacco smoke, and is also useful in post-repair cleaning, cleaning cabinets, refrigerators or washing machines.

  • Use ozonation for cosmetic purposes.

Ozone and water enriched with ozone have the most beneficial effect on the skin. Constant washing will not keep you waiting for results, because ozone effectively stimulates blood circulation, fights acne, fungal rashes and other skin diseases, eliminates dandruff, and also accelerates the healing of wounds and abrasions.

The ozonizer will become your indispensable assistant in taking care of the health and hygiene of your home.

What are the benefits of air ozonation?

Ozonation of indoor air has many beneficial effects.

Treatment of drinking water is a technological process consisting of several stages of water purification to a state that complies with sanitary, epidemiological and other standards, aimed at obtaining water that can be consumed without causing harm to health. Improving the quality of water extracted from the subsoil to drinking level is a much more complex process than that used to purify water for swimming pools, car washes, industrial and other needs.

Treatment and disinfection of water with ozone

We can use the following technologies to treat drinking water:

  • Mechanical purification from impurities using filters and sedimentation tanks.
  • Ozonation, which involves treating drinking water to remove manganese, iron, cysts, bacteria, viruses, phenols, and foreign odors.

A more high-tech method of water treatment

Ozonation is a powerful means for purifying and disinfecting water. Ozone is a highly active form of ordinary diatomic oxygen and the breakdown product of ozone is ordinary oxygen. The combination of high ozone activity and the safety of decomposition products makes ozonation a unique technology that combines both efficiency and safety.

Direction of ozone application

Interest in the use of ozone in the preparation of drinking water is explained by the fact that ozone provides fast and reliable disinfection and causes a significant improvement in the organoleptic properties of water - as a result of ozone treatment, tastes and odors and the color of water are eliminated. In addition, the content of dissolved oxygen increases, which returns to purified water one of the main properties characterizing pure natural sources.

Currently, 95% of drinking water in Europe is treated with ozone. In the USA, the process of converting from chlorination to ozonation is underway. There are several large stations in Russia- in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities.

Technological efficiency of ozonation

Ozone properties:

  • Ozone, unlike oxygen, is an unstable compound. It decomposes spontaneously at high concentrations, and the higher the concentration, the faster the rate of decomposition reaction.
  • Ozone is a strong oxidizing agent; it breaks down substances into harmless (water, carbon dioxide, oxygen) and odorless components.

Benefits of ozone:

  • Ozone destroys all known microorganisms: viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae, their spores, cysts, etc.
  • Ozone acts very quickly - within a few minutes.
  • Ozone removes unpleasant odors.
  • Ozone does not produce toxic byproducts.
  • Residual ozone quickly turns into oxygen.
  • Ozone is produced locally, requiring no storage or transportation.
  • Ozone destroys microorganisms 300-3000 times faster than any other disinfectants.
  • Ecological compatibility of ozone with the environment.

Necessity of application

On the instructions of the State Construction Committee of Russia, the Research Institute of KVOV conducted a survey and examination of 80 water utilities in Russia (about 90 water supply stations) using surface water, and 60 water utilities (80 stations) using groundwater, regarding the need to use methods of deep purification of water from anthropogenic pollution using ozonation and sorption.

The results of the work presented atthe diagram shows about the following:

Thus, in almost all cities either the use of ozonation and sorption is required, or the prospects and feasibility of use should be assessed ozone -sorption cleaning method.

Surface water treatment

The source of Kaluga's water supply is the river. Oka, whose water quality is characterized by low turbidity, with the exception of floods and rainy periods, and average color. There are organic contaminants in the water, determined by permanganate oxidation up to 12 mg O2/l, BOD up to 7 mg O2/l and COD up to 60 mg O2/l. High COD values ​​indicate water pollution with substances of anthropogenic origin; in certain periods the concentration of petroleum products reaches 0.9 mg/l. There is almost always an odor in the water at a level of 2-3 points, which when heated increases to 5 points. The situation is also unfavorable with regard to microbiological pollution (the presence of clostridia and coliphages in water), especially in the winter season.

In almost all cases, preliminary ozonation makes it possible to improve the quality of purified water in terms of turbidity, color and permanganate oxidability. During the research, it was found that preliminary ozonation can significantly reduce the dose of coagulant. As an example, the table (see below) presents quality data for non-ozonated and ozonated (Dose = 1.5 mg/l) water purified at different doses of coagulant. When comparing the data obtained, it is clear that without preliminary ozonation, the quality of purified water, even with a coagulant dose of 2.3 mg/l, is lower than with preliminary ozonation and a coagulant dose of 1.0-1.2 mg/l.

The influence of ozonation on the quality of purified water

Okskaya water is constantly characterized by the presence of odor at a level of 2-4 points; the water purification scheme included a sorption carbon filter, which provides deep purification of water not only in terms of turbidity up to 0-0.6 mg/l, color up to 0-4 degrees, concentration residual aluminum up to 0.02-0.1 mg/l, but also in terms of the content of organic contaminants - the permanganate oxidation indicator is noted at the level of 0.5-1.5 mg/l.

The smell of water after ozonation and contact clarification decreases from 2-5 to 1-3 points, and only sorption purification ensured a reduction in tastes and odors to 0-1 point.

Efficiency of removal of various contaminants by stages of water purification

Changes in microbiological parameters

Research data on the effect of ozonation and ozone dose on the efficiency of water disinfection indicate a high degree of removal of these contaminants.

Groundwater treatment

Tyumen water supply sources, which, unlike the widely used groundwater in most of Russia, are characterized by a complex composition: the presence of gases (methane and free carbon dioxide), increased values ​​of turbidity, color, iron content and organic contaminants, including petroleum products.

Research on water purification in reagent-free and reagent modes showed the following results:

During the research, water color was removed only if ozone was used and the water was subsequently filtered through sand and coal loads. The efficiency of water purification depended on the initial color of groundwater and the dose of ozone. Thus, obtaining water of standard quality in terms of color was ensured by ozone doses of 4-5 mg/l with an initial color of up to 50 degrees and 25 mg/l of ozone with a color of 180 degrees. At high color values, the required ozone dose reached 35 mg/l.

Changes in water quality during its treatment

For the purpose of preliminary oxidation of complex organic compounds of iron, ozone was introduced into the source water. Ozonation of water makes it possible to reduce its color (at an optimal ozone dose of 6 mg/l) to 20 degrees, turbidity to 0.3-0.4 mg/l, iron content to 0.4-0.5 mg/l.

To increase the depth of purification, ozonized water was treated with reagents (coagulants and flocculants). Subsequent coagulation of ozonized water led to a decrease in the main indicators: color from 21 to 10 degrees, turbidity from 0.4 to 0.2 mg/l, iron concentration from 0.4-0.5 to 0.1-0.2 mg/l l.

Based on the results obtained, it was established that:

  • final sorption purification ensured high water quality in all respects, including organic contaminants and oil products. The color values ​​varied within 0-1.4 degrees, turbidity 0-0.25 mg/l, permanganate oxidation 1.2-1.4 mg/l, ammonia nitrogen - 2 mg/l. The concentration of iron was 0.04-0.12 mg/l, residual aluminum - 0.08-0.18 mg/l;
  • the required efficiency of water disinfection using ozone was achieved in purified water after the experimental installation without additional treatment of water with chlorine.

The influence of preliminary ozonation on the efficiency of water purification during coagulation (Dc = 8 mg/l)

The only universal water treatment method

The above shows that ozonation is the only modern method of water treatment that is truly universal, since it manifests its effect simultaneously in bacteriological, physical and organoleptic terms:

  • From a bacteriological point of view, it is very significant that all microbes - pathogenic and saprophytic - found in water are destroyed by ozone, while their revival is completely excluded. Ozone has a high sporicidal effect, which is directly related to the amount of ozone passed through the water and inversely related to organic contamination of the water.
  • Research by scientists has established the benefits of ozone for neutralizing the polio virus compared to conventional disinfectants (chlorine, chlorine dioxide), as well as cysts and associated bacteria. Due to a significant reduction in the content of organic substances in ozonated water, the latter becomes less susceptible to subsequent pollution.
  • From a physical point of view, water undergoes significant qualitative changes after ozonation. In a sufficiently large layer, the water acquires a beautiful bluish color, characteristic of spring water. When ozonated, water is well aerated, which makes it more digestible and pleasant for drinking.
  • From an organoleptic point of view, ozonized water not only does not produce any tastes or odors (which is inevitable during chlorination), but, on the contrary, any traces of taste and odors that previously existed in the treated water are eliminated.
  • From a chemical point of view, mineral substances dissolved in water and to some extent determining nutritional properties do not change after ozonation. At the same time, ozone treatment does not add any additional foreign substances or chemical compounds to the water.

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Ozonation of drinking water

Water is the source of human life and health. Therefore, it must have an ideal composition and be disinfected. And an excellent solution here is water ozonation, that is, water disinfection with ozone. Ozonation of water ensures the destruction of bacteria, spores, viruses, as well as the destruction of organic substances that are dissolved in water. Water disinfection with ozone is more effective than conventional chlorination

Ozonation of water- one of the most effective and safe methods of purifying water from impurities of organic origin, resistant to the effects of chlorination of spores that can provoke viral diseases, as well as from contamination with metals, not counting platinum and gold.

Ozone water purification plant

Our company offers the following equipment for water treatment with ozone:

  • Ozone generators, including replacement ones, designed for installations of various companies.
  • Ozonation units compatible with ultraviolet water treatment systems.
  • Compact ozone units.
  • Pilot installations.

The technology of water treatment with ozone has a number of features:

  • Water passed through an ozonation unit does not lose its mineral composition and does not change the Ph level.
  • After water is disinfected with ozone, it does not contain components harmful to health.
  • After water is disinfected with ozone, it does not change its original odor and color.
  • Disinfection of dirty water with ozone and destruction of harmful microorganisms occurs at least 300 times faster than using other methods.
  • Water is purified from foreign odors and tastes, which is especially important during ozonation during bottling.
  • Water purification using photolytic ozonation


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