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Which purifier is better to choose for a small kitchen? Purifier: what is it, how it works, reviews

The cost of the cooler is lower than the purifier. Therefore, this device is very popular.

For many residents of our country, the problem of providing purified water is quite acute. There are various ways to solve it. The quality of tap water leaves much to be desired. To regularly use clean water and prepare drinks based on it, it is recommended to use special filters. An alternative option is to purchase purified drinking water. The choice of equipment necessary to solve the problem directly depends on which of the listed methods is more convenient for the consumer. To supply drinking water you can use:

2. Purifiers.

Each of these devices has its own characteristics. In the article you will learn how the cooler differs from the purifier. We will tell you about all the key characteristics of the mentioned devices. Our material will be of interest to a wide audience.

Coolers and their advantages

A device designed to heat and cool supplied drinking water is called a cooler. This equipment can be found in almost every office. It is also often used in private houses and apartments. Using the cooler is quite convenient and easy. Let's look at some key features:

  • There is no need to connect the device to the water supply system and filter the supplied liquid.
  • Affordable price.
  • Variety of models.
  • Cooling and heating option.
  • Stylish device design and aesthetic appearance.

The cost of the cooler is lower than the purifier. Therefore, this device is very popular. There are various models of coolers on sale. They come in floor and tabletop types. The first option is the most common. It is most often installed in offices. Desktop models are more compact. They are great for installation in small spaces.

There are models with top and bottom loading bottles. The most popular is the first option. Such models are found in almost every office. The second type of devices is more complex, so their cost is somewhat higher. Bottom-loading coolers are more convenient to use: the consumer does not make any physical effort to install a new water container. Coolers also differ in functionality levels. There are simple models, without any additional options. Their price is the lowest. The cost of advanced models depends on the number of additional options.

Some models are equipped with a display, with which you can not only receive information about the temperature and quantity, but also adjust the operation of the device. The devices are capable of heating the liquid up to +90 °C and cooling it down to +5 °C. To save energy, these options can be turned off and water at room temperature can be consumed.

The key disadvantage of coolers is the additional costs: they are caused by the need to purchase bottles of drinking water. However, for the most part, they are reasonably priced. Therefore, many consumers choose a cooler as a means of supplying liquid.

The design of the equipment in question is very different. Therefore, you can easily choose a model that fits perfectly into the interior of the room. Coolers are available in a wide range of colors. Finding the ideal model is not difficult.

Purifiers and their advantages

For those who do not want to depend on the supply of purified drinking water, there is a special type of equipment - purifiers. These devices are identical in their basic functionality to coolers.

Their main difference is that the water is supplied not from a bottle, but directly from the water supply system. At the same time, the liquid passes through special filters and is cleaned of unwanted components.

These parts are replaceable. They need to be changed after every 3000 liters of water or six months of operation (even if the fluid consumption is below the mentioned threshold). The main advantages of purifiers are as follows:

  • Independence from bottled water supplies.
  • High quality liquid purification.
  • Excellent taste of filtered water.
  • Availability of heating and cooling functions.
  • Convenient operation.

Thanks to the listed characteristics, the equipment in question is becoming more and more popular every day. To establish water supplies, you need to know how to choose a purifier that meets the needs of the consumer.

Like coolers, this equipment comes in floor and tabletop versions. The first type of purifiers can be conveniently mounted in the corner of the room. The desktop version is better suited for installation in small rooms. Such models perfectly save free space. According to the cleaning method, purifiers are reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration. The second type of equipment allows you to purify water more efficiently. Microorganisms and chemical elements dangerous to human health are eliminated from the liquid, while useful minerals and trace elements are preserved. Models with and without a storage tank are also presented. The first option is more convenient, since the consumer will always have a small supply of purified water.

Where to buy equipment?

The issue of purchasing coolers and purifiers must be approached with the utmost responsibility. This is quite complex equipment, so you need to order it only from trusted dealers, such as Vipecology.Ru.

Choose appliances from well-known brands. For example, from Coway, AEL and Ecotronic. Purifiers and coolers from these manufacturers are the best on the market. They are characterized by convenient and long-term operation.

When buying drinking water supply equipment, be sure to ask the manufacturer for quality certificates. Their presence will confirm that the devices you are interested in comply with international standards.

There are a huge number of water purification devices on the market today. Among them, an important place is occupied by purifiers - devices for purifying tap water using a built-in filtration system. When using this device, you will always have clean water in sufficient quantities.

Possibilities of purifiers

These devices are capable of heating and cooling water, purifying it of small impurities and heavy metal salts. The built-in filters are reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration. In addition, they can be floor and tabletop. Some of the models are equipped with storage tanks. And the newest models of these devices are additionally equipped with special ice makers. All these possibilities of cleaners contribute to their placement on any objects.

Among other drinking water purification devices, pay attention to Ecotronic purifiers. You can always buy such devices in our store. Purifiers of this brand have osmotic filtration, four degrees of purification. The first degree of purification is provided by a sediment filter, the second by a carbon pre-filter, the third by an RO membrane, and the fourth by a carbon post-filter.

By purchasing a purifier, you will become the owner of a device with the following advantages:

  • There is no need to deliver water bottles over long distances.
  • Over time, the cost of drinking water becomes quite small.
  • Can be used in remote areas where it is not possible to deliver bottled water.
  • Low maintenance costs.
  • Ultrafiltration can remove unpleasant chlorine and iron odors from water and make it taste pleasant.

But it also has some disadvantages:

  • It, as a rule, has a greater cost than a cooler.
  • Its dimensions are also slightly larger than those of a cooler, which creates certain inconveniences in small rooms.
  • You need to carefully monitor the life of the filters.
  • It requires a source of constant water supply.

Scheme and principle of operation of the purifier

Water is supplied through a tube, which is installed during connection, from the water supply system into the device and passes through all stages of purification. After this, the purified liquid enters a special tank and is then supplied to the cold and hot water tanks. If there is no storage tank, the cold water tank plays its role. The temperature is controlled by electronic sensors; if there is a deviation from the set values, the heating or cooling system is turned on.

In most models, the water is purified of suspended particles, then chlorine and organic chemicals are removed. The following stages include cleaning from dissolved salts, foreign odors, tastes and disinfection, which allows you to get rid of bacteria and microorganisms. In different models, the number of degrees of purification may differ, so when choosing, you must take into account the initial quality of the water.

It is advisable to entrust servicing to specialists, since in this case the efficient operation and durability of the equipment is guaranteed.

Where can I install and how to operate the purifier?

Purifiers with storage tanks can be installed in places where large numbers of people gather. For example, these could be hospitals, schools, offices, kindergartens, etc. And some models of such devices provide quick preparation of high-quality carbonated water, becoming an excellent alternative to buying drinks of dubious quality with the addition of harmful chemicals. They are equipped with carbon dioxide cylinders. In order to provide yourself with carbonated water, you just need to change carbon dioxide cylinders in a timely manner. Some devices have a button to block hot water. It helps to avoid possible burns when using this device.

Purifier does not require special care conditions. All he needs is timely cleaning of filters and their replacement, as well as minor repairs of broken parts.

There are two options to provide your office or home with clean water. The first is to purchase a cooler and order water for it in large 19-liter bottles. Among the advantages is the low price of the device. If the amount of water consumed is not too high, you can use both hot and cold water wherever there is an electrical outlet. Among the disadvantages is the need to store containers somewhere. Also, the disadvantages of a cooler include the cost of ownership when water consumption is quite high, for example, in an office. If the delivery service is located quite far away, this solution will not always be cost-effective.

A less popular, but more appropriate in some situations, method of providing clean water is a purifier. What is it - let's find out. Compared to coolers, these devices have a lot of powerful advantages. So, you no longer need to order water. You can produce it yourself. The performance of such devices is higher than that of conventional coolers. There is also no need to collect containers. The cost of owning the system is significantly lower. Especially with high water consumption. But first things first.

What it is?

So, what is a purifier? This device is a modification of the cooler. Indeed, the operating principle, as well as the body here, resemble an ordinary cooler. But the device generates the liquid itself. At the bottom there is a system that filters ordinary running water. Sometimes such equipment is called a water purifier or aquabar.

But it is more correct to call the device “purifier”. What is this? This is a system that thoroughly cleans the liquid from the pipeline, improves its taste and quality. Like a traditional cooler, the device has heating and cooling functions.

The device is connected to the water supply through a system of flexible tubes. The liquid enters a special tank where it is cleaned. Inside the case there is a powerful modern multi-stage filtration system. Clean water then flows into special containers where it will be heated and cooled. After this, it will be delivered to the consumer in finished form.

As for the quality of the liquid, it is at least not inferior, and in some cases even superior in taste and degree of purification to bottled liquid, which is for coolers. At a large one-time cost, you can get a source of clean, tasty, healthy water, which is also inexpensive.


Water purifiers are classified according to the filtration system used into reverse osmosis or ultrafiltration. By type they are divided into floor and tabletop structures. Depending on the type of device, they can be either with or without a storage tank.

Operating principle

From the system, water enters the filter through a special connecting tube. Then, when the liquid is completely cleared, it enters the reservoir, where it accumulates. From there, the liquid enters the tanks for hot or cold water. If there is no storage tank, then its functions are performed by a tank with cold liquid. Liquid is also supplied to the “hot” container from here. The design, as noted above, is indeed very similar to conventional coolers.

To ensure that each tank can maintain the required temperature, it is equipped with special electronic sensors. Based on their readings, the system automatically decides whether to heat or cool the liquid. So, cold water can have a temperature within 10 degrees, hot water - up to 90. Due to this, cold and hot water is always available all year round, and most importantly - healthy and clean water.

How does the filtration system work?

First of all, the liquid passes through the so-called sediment filter. Its function is to trap and remove large particles. It could be rust or sand. These particles must have a size of more than 5 microns.

The liquid then passes through a carbon pre-filter. Its task is to remove chlorine from the composition. Due to the high absorption capacity of activated carbon, this filter is especially effective. It retains a variety of substances, particles, and pollutants.

The third filter is an ultrafiltration membrane. This is a reverse osmosis membrane. It is designed to remove the smallest particles, as well as viruses and bacteria, from water. This membrane not only makes the water clean, but also does not disturb the mineral composition. Elements of this type are capable of retaining a huge amount of organic substances, as well as salts dissolved in water. Only the smallest compounds and individual salts pass through it. Often more than 99% of the dissolved particles remain on this membrane. Only water molecules and gases dissolved in water get inside. The fourth element of the system is a carbon post-filter. It is designed to improve the characteristics of the resulting water. It improves the taste, color and smell of the liquid.

Many have already discovered Purifier. What is this? This is a cooler and reverse osmosis system in one package. What kind of feedback does Purifier receive? All those who have tried the water talk about its purity. It is quite tasty and has a pleasant smell.

About replacing filters

The water will be of ideal quality provided that the cleaning elements are regularly replaced. If old elements are used for too long, the taste, smell and purity of the liquid will deteriorate. In fact, its quality will be lower than that previously supplied to water purifiers.

The capacity of the filter element is approximately 3 thousand liters. However, manufacturers do not recommend using the system irregularly. For filtration to be effective, the device must operate continuously. Therefore, it is recommended to replace the first and second filters after 3-6 months. The third and fourth can be replaced later - from 6 to 12 months of operation.

Is it possible to change them yourself?

Installing new purifier filters is very simple. Therefore, you can change them yourself. Filter element connections are fittings that can be easily separated. No need to unscrew them. The process of disconnecting the tubes takes a minimum of time.

It is possible to maintain the tightness of the fittings if you change them at the same time as replacing the filters. To avoid leaks, the device has a water blocking function. This is convenient if the unit is installed in places where many people are constantly present.

If you can replace the filter yourself, then it is better to entrust sanitization to professionals. This procedure requires not only certain knowledge and skills, but also special chemicals. But after such treatment, the consumer receives an almost new purifier. What kind of processing is this? Specialists will clean up mold, harmful bacteria and contaminants.

Compare with a cooler: pros and cons

Among the advantages of purifiers is that you no longer need to look for free space to store bottles. There is also no need to lift bottles that are quite heavy. There is no need to wait for new water to arrive. In places remote from cities, it is much more profitable to deliver purified water only in large quantities. If its consumption is high, then the price of one liter of water produced by a purifier is lower than from a cooler. Systems with a storage tank for clean water are located higher than a flow-through purifier. This means that the faucet is also located higher. No more bending over to fill a cup with water.

There are also disadvantages. This is the price (due to the built-in filtration system). Another big downside is the service. When servicing yourself, you need to monitor the timing of replacement of filter elements. Permanent installation of a purifier to the water supply is required. If the system is equipped with reverse osmosis, an electrical connection will be required.

Features of choice

The choice directly depends on the amount of water consumed, as well as on the area where the office or home is located. In small kitchens for small families, you can install a tabletop model. These devices will not take up much space. The water quality will be the same as in floor-standing equipment.

In an office where the number of employees is quite large, a floor purifier is best suited. The reservoir built into it will accumulate water, and then there will be enough for everyone. If the office is located outside the city, it is better to purchase a system with reverse osmosis. This cleaning system will help remove hardness, viruses, and harmful bacteria.

The liquid in the water supply has already been slightly purified. And if the purifier has an ultrafine filtration system, then it will maintain the balance of useful substances, and there will be no chlorine. A good choice for a large enterprise or office is the Ecotronic purifier. The system is manufactured in Korea and is equipped with an ultraviolet lamp. The device has high productivity - up to 15 liters per hour. The device has a pump that purifies water in systems with low pressure levels. Depending on the configuration of the device, the stainless steel tank will be designed for 12 liters for cold water and 5 liters for hot water. The system is also equipped with taps for pressing the mug and child protection. The cost of a model with average characteristics is 19 thousand 900 rubles.


So, we found out what purifiers are. As you can see, this is a fairly useful device for purifying running water.

The Purifier is an automatic water supply with a built-in water purifier. It can be equipped with functions of heating and cooling, and sometimes carbonation of drinking water. The principle of operation of the purifier is to purify tap water through a multi-stage filter, which then enters a storage tank to ultimately be distributed among heating and cooling tanks. In essence, a purifier is the same as an office cooler, only without the need to constantly replace bottles.

To correctly select the purifier model, the user should pay attention to several defining characteristics of the device.

Filtration system

If the water has characteristics that make it suitable for drinking (for example, water that has been treated in the city water supply), it is better to choose a purifier with an ultrafiltration system. It is cheaper and does not require connecting the filter to the mains. Such a system purifies water from viruses, bacteria and particles 0.01-0.1 microns in size, while maintaining its mineral balance.

If the quality of the water leaves much to be desired (an open source of water supply: lake, river, etc.), it is advisable to use reverse osmosis systems with an electric pump that creates additional pressure. This approach is explained by the fact that the degree of purification of the reverse osmosis system is very high: the size of the screened particles is 0.001 microns. It should be noted that the reverse osmosis system must be connected to the sewer system to remove sediment from the impurities retained by the membrane. Reverse osmosis removes all impurities by 99.9%

Installation types

Based on the type of installation, purifiers are divided into table-top and floor-standing models. Desktop devices are perfect for use in apartments or small offices, as they have compact dimensions and can significantly save space. Floor-mounted purifiers have expanded functionality and greater productivity, therefore they are mainly installed in public places and offices of large companies.

Availability of a storage tank

Devices with a storage tank are recommended for use in homes or offices with at least 10 users. Important: purifiers equipped with a reverse osmosis system pass water through the membrane at a rate of approximately 8 l/h. Therefore, with a large number of consumers, a storage tank is required.

Types of heating elements

To heat water, purifiers are equipped with either external or internal heating elements. External heating elements are placed around the edges or under the bottom of the tank. The main advantage of their use is the absence of direct contact of the element with water: scale does not form on it and heat transfer does not deteriorate. The disadvantages of using external heating elements include their low power. For successful operation of the purifier, this type of heater is used mainly in household and middle-class devices.

Internal heating elements are located inside the purifier tank. Unlike external heaters, internal ones have more power and allow you to instantly heat water. However, from constant contact with hard water, they become covered with a layer of scale, and their performance decreases. For successful and long-term operation, purifiers with internal heating elements require sanitary maintenance once every 6 months (regardless of the performance of the filters).

Additional features and options

The expanded functionality of purifiers gives the user the opportunity to reach a new level of comfort. The modern market offers purifier models equipped with ice makers that allow you to process purified water into ice. For lovers of sparkling water, the device can be equipped with a carbonation function. Maintenance of such a purifier does not require complex actions: it is enough to periodically change carbon dioxide cylinders. If children have access to the purifier, it can be equipped with an additional burn protection option. The user simply blocks the hot water supply key, eliminating the possibility of thermal injury.

What are the advantages of using a purifier?

Technically, a purifier is a much more complex mechanism than a regular cooler, since it is equipped with an autonomous water filtration system: this also determines its high cost. In addition, the purifier requires connection to water supply and sewerage (when installing a reverse osmosis membrane). Like a cooler, the purifier requires periodic maintenance. However, if water consumption is more than 8 bottles per month, the capital costs of purchasing such a device quickly pay off. In this case, the user receives water, the quality of which can be 100% sure. Another advantage of installing a purifier is that there is no need to allocate additional space for storing bottles.


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