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Characteristics and meaning of the name Ilarius. The character and fate of the girl who was named Ilaria - the meaning of this name

The history of the name Ilaria stretches back to ancient times. From Ancient Rome it spread throughout Europe, but was undeservedly forgotten in Russia. But the fashionable trend of naming children with unusual names can revive this elegant name from oblivion.

Origin of the name Ilaria

Variations of the name Ilaria are widespread in many countries in Europe and America. In Italy, Ilaria is one of the top ten popular female names. In Spain you will meet Ilaria, in English-speaking countries - Hilary, and only in Wales will you find the exquisite name Elere. Some peoples use only the male version of the name, for example, Iler among the French, Gilar among the Belarusians, Ilari among the Finns. In Germany the name Hilarius became Hilger or Helger.

The name Ilaria was mentioned in ancient Greek scriptures

The ancestor of all these names is the ancient Greek word “ἱλαρός” (hilaros or ilaros), which means “cheerful”, “joyful”. From the Greeks this name migrated to the Romans, and from the Latin language it gradually spread to many others. In English, the word “hilarious” still exists, meaning “cheerful” or “funny.”

Table: symbols corresponding to the name Ilaria

Name forms

There are two spelling options for this name in Russian - Ilaria and Illaria. Diminutive versions of the full name may be as follows:

  • Lara;
  • Ilara;
  • Lark;
  • Ilarka;
  • Laryukha;
  • Larochka;
  • Laryushka.

Table: name in other languages


In Ilaria’s foreign passport it will be written Ilariia - always with two letters “i” at the end.

Combination with patronymic

Unlike many other rare names, Ilaria pairs well with most middle names. The following combinations will sound especially good:

  • Ilaria Igorevna;
  • Ilaria Ignatievna;
  • Ilaria Andreevna;
  • Ilaria Alexandrovna;
  • Ilaria Alekseevna;
  • Ilaria Yaroslavovna.

Nickname options

Ilaria can use various name variations to come up with a nice-sounding nickname:

  • Elere;
  • Ilara:
  • Liara;
  • Ilari;
  • Hilarita;
  • Ilarietta;
  • Elaira;
  • Rinella.

Name day dates and patron saints

The main patroness of this name in the Orthodox calendar is considered to be the holy martyr Hilaria of Rome. Her husband Claudius held a high government position and, as part of his duty, had to persecute Christians and torture them. But Saint Chrysanthos, who was not afraid of torment, came under the judgment of Claudius, for he believed in the power of the Lord protecting him. The tribune was so impressed by the young man’s fortitude that he accepted the Christian faith along with his entire family, exposing himself and his family to the danger of becoming an exile among his people. And so it happened - Claudius and his sons were killed, and Ilaria came to their graves every day to pray until she herself died. The saint's memory is celebrated on April 1.

Saint Hilary's name day is celebrated on April 1

Characteristics and influence of the name

A girl named Ilaria is lovely and charming. As a child, adults fall under her spell, and upon reaching adolescence, Lara becomes a real star. Her charisma captivates in the very first minutes of communication and makes her a welcome guest in any company. Combined with her inherent good nature and openness, Illaria’s sociability is reflected in her choice of profession.

Professions, business and career

Ilaria's innate extroversion allows her to choose a career that requires publicity. And if she also has any creative talents, then the girl can try her luck on stage.

Sociability and the ability to behave in front of the public can help Illaria achieve success in her professional field

Love, sexuality, marriage

Ilaria makes an ideal partner - sensitive to her chosen one, passionate and emotional in love, caring and attentive in everyday life. For Ilaria, children are a natural continuation of marriage, a sign that there is so much love in a relationship that its excess is enough for a new life. In motherhood, Ilaria is usually happy and calm.

Table: compatibility with other names

Interpretation of the meanings of the letters of the name

In any name, each individual letter has a specific meaning:

  • And - speaks of the creative abilities of the bearer of the name;
  • L - is responsible for gentleness and graceful manners;
  • A is the letter responsible for the qualities of a leader and pioneer;
  • P is a letter that gives the character firmness and determination;
  • I - indicates a sense of tact and hidden talents.

Table: influence of the zodiac sign on the name

To name your daughter something original, it is not at all necessary to come up with new names (as was done in the Soviet Union, especially at the dawn of the era of communism), or to choose among foreign options. We also have rare, sweet-sounding, and most importantly, names that sound very organic in our language. But what impact will each of them have on the life of its owner?

Ancient Greece is considered the “cradle” of this name. In Latin, Hilarius means “joy”, “cheerfulness”. That is, by naming their daughters this name, Greek mothers tried to give them a light, cheerful disposition.

Ilaria can be called for short: Lara, Ilya, Larochka, Ilka, Ilechka.

In other countries, the bearer of the name will be called Hilary (English-speaking countries).

This name has a masculine pair: Hilarion. However, if you believe in name compatibility, a guy with that name will not be an ideal match for Lara.

What is the character of Ilaria?

Concerning shortcomings, then there are almost none. A girl may not take her studies very seriously, instead of studying the multiplication tables, thinking about how to make eyes at her classmate. Mama Ilaria may be too loyal to children, pampering them beyond measure, which is why the kids may grow up a little isolated from society.

The fate of the bearer of this name

  1. Early childhood. This is a beautiful baby with a smile on her face.
  2. School years. More often than not, the girl becomes a good student. She sometimes “forgets” her diary at home and does not study her homework. But the teachers don’t swear very much - you can’t be angry with Ilaria at all. But she is an excellent organizer, she is often given the title of captain in the school KVN team, and the girl copes with a bang - on stage she feels like a fish in water, and besides, Lara manages to rally her classmates into the most friendly team in school.
  3. Youth, student years. She becomes a charming coquette. Parents need to be vigilant, since having received student freedom, a girl may abandon her studies in order to participate in some kind of public organization.
  4. Respectable age. She is an energetic, kind woman. She has a lot of friends, some of whom she may even forget, although she tries to maintain good relations with all her comrades. She is talented, sincere, with inner nobility.

All talismans of this name

  • The ideal zodiac sign for Lara. Astrologers are confident that this name should be given to girls born under the constellation Sagittarius (from November 23 to December 22) or Aquarius (from January 21 to February 19). In the first case, the girl will be friendly, active, a true seeker of truth and a conqueror of peaks. In the second - kind, a little mysterious, at home - a conservative, and at work (at school) - an innovator.
  • It’s not hard to guess that winter will be the happiest time of year for Ilechka.
  • Patron planet: Jupiter.
  • The day of the week on which everything will always work out: Wednesday.
  • Name colors: scarlet, brown, dark green.
  • What stone should you buy jewelry with: aventurine. Also, a girl can wear (white, black and yellow), moonstones, tiger's eye, as well as (black).
  • Metal: tin and uranium. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to buy a uranium rod for home, but you can easily wear a tin ring, an exquisite brooch or a cute handmade figurine!
  • : a lion.
  • A plant that is guaranteed to bring happiness: violet and poplar.

Day Angel(name day): according to the Orthodox calendar - April 1, according to the Catholic calendar - August 12 and December 31.

What kind of typical Ilaria appears in:

  • ...Love. She has a lot of fans. The only “but”: the development of a whirlwind romance is often hampered by the girl’s active life (civic) position. Often Ilaria starts a relationship with a person who is like-minded, a colleague - this way they can see each other all the time, go on business trips together, and the guy will not be jealous of her because of the constant week-long absences.
  • ...To the family. Lara becomes a tender, loving, faithful wife. However, she does not like to tinker around the house (if she does wash dishes or cook, it is with great reluctance). She also has difficulty handling the baby. However, when the child grows up a little, the mother will become his best friend.
  • ...Career. Ilya may choose a rather risky profession (say, becoming a mountain climber). She will also succeed in the sports field (gymnastics, dancing, figure skating), or as a public figure (politician, official). You can also try yourself as an actress or television journalist.
  • …Health. In general, such girls and women very rarely visit pharmacies (even to buy vitamins). The weak points in the body can be called bones and joints. To avoid problems with them, you should go in for sports. But it is advisable that it is not running, but swimming.
You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all. Your appearance number is “Four.” The practicality of the “two” is reflected, among other things, in her manner of dressing. You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all.

Compatibility of the name Ilaria, manifestation in love

Ilaria, you often forget that family life is incompatible with maintaining the status of “friend to everyone.” You can be sincerely in love and attached to the object of your sensual aspirations and at the same time try to “attach” your personal relationships to the social ones that already exist at that time. As a result, you can lose the second ones without really creating the first ones. If you feel that love is really important to you, give yourself entirely to it, without setting boundaries or boundaries. Then you will become a wonderful lover while remaining a good friend.


Your idealistic nature forces you to indulge those movements of the soul and desires of the heart that are aimed at improving our imperfect world. You won't settle for anything less. We don’t intend to waste time on trifles. If there is even a completely fantastic opportunity to benefit humanity, you will choose it, giving up what literally lies under your feet.

It often seems to you that no one in the world is able to truly understand you, appreciate your motives and grandiose plans. But if this upsets you, it will only be for a short time. What won't you sacrifice for a great goal?

And you donate. Often - “without looking.” And, as a result, you lose “along the way” much of what could make your life more “earthly”.

Often your actions bring real results, sometimes simply stunning. But perhaps you should consider that if you had stronger connections with the world around you, your ideas about its needs would also be more realistic. And the results of actions are more valuable.

Zodiac sign Description
AriesEasily extends his influence to others
TaurusAble to create and maintain an atmosphere in his home
TwinsHas many fans and is not shy about it at all
CancerAble to put family first and put her own interests in the background
a lionAble to win you over from the first conversation
VirgoCapable of organizational work
ScalesHas a strong penchant for creativity
ScorpionDoesn't like to share his problems with others
SagittariusShow determination in their career path
CapricornCan act firmly when necessary
AquariusDependent on communication with others
FishConstantly hovering in dreams and subtle matters

The name Ilaria in history

Most of the famous women named Ilaria are Italian:

  • Illaria del Caretto (1379–1405) - Italian aristocrat who lived at the end of the 14th century;
  • Ilaria Alpi (1961–1994) - Italian journalist who died in Somalia during an official investigation;
  • Ilaria Graziano - Italian singer;
  • Ilaria Spada is an Italian actress, familiar to our television audience from the TV series “Commissioner Rex”;
  • Illaria Occhini (1934) - Italian actress;
  • Ilaria D'Ilaia (1975) - actress of Italian origin;
  • Ilaria Blasi (1981) - actress and model, wife of football player Francesco Totti.

Illaria has been making music since childhood, has participated in many artistic projects, but the singer herself is more passionate about ethnic music.

But compatriots, when mentioning the name Ilaria, will most likely remember the Ukrainian singer with a similar pseudonym.

The birth of a daughter into a family brings joy, as the ancient Romans thought. And they decided to perpetuate this event by naming the girl Hilari. What fate awaits a girl with such a euphonious name? What is the meaning of the name Ilaria?

Origin of the name

We owe the origin of the name Ilaria to Ancient Rome. Translated from Latin, cheerful or joyful.

But we must pay tribute, the ancient Greeks have the word ilaros (Greek ἱλαρός), which has the same meaning, but the name is all Latin, because in Greek there was no such name. Among the Slavic peoples this name is rare.

Meaning of a girl's name

During her childhood, little Ilaria was characterized by cheerfulness, fun and sociability. He never loses heart, always smiles, exuding kindness and positivity around him, and becomes a favorite among both children and adults. She always has a lot of friends, she is the life of the party. Possessing remarkable charm, she has loved to flirt since kindergarten.

At school you are unlikely to see a girl among the excellent students. Her grades are, frankly, mediocre. She can study well, but she is lazy. He prefers to show his charm and get marks for his beautiful eyes. It's much easier. Father, mother, teachers should not indulge a girl if they want to give her a decent education. Although one thing that cannot be denied to Ilaria is her love for public life. Here she will show all her talents, she has good organizational skills, which will help throughout her future life.


The girl's health is fine. She practically doesn’t get sick, and even if this happens, the disease is easily tolerated. True, over the years the problem of excess weight appears. And although, as a rule, Ilaria leads an active life, she needs to pay attention to sports.

Character traits

Over the years, the girl's character does not change at all. She has a charming and optimistic personality. The girl shares her positivity with those around her, therefore, as before, she is desired and loved in any company. This in turn makes close friendships somewhat difficult. Ilaria doesn't know how to be a good friend. She lacks time and confidential communication for friends. The owners of the name are distinguished by their benevolence and thirst for being needed and useful to society. Social work brings pleasure to a woman. Possessing compassion and empathy, she will easily find herself in charity.

Work, career

Professional activities are also often associated with her rare charm, ability to create a positive image and find a common language with almost any interlocutor. Such qualities are necessary in the service sector, so Ilaria will always find a job. Often her social activities develop into work.

Family, life

In family life, a woman succeeds in everything. Luck and happiness await her here. Thanks to the great number of fans, choosing a worthy half for Ilaria will not be difficult. She will love and care for the family, but solving household matters is not for her. Relying on her charm, she will be able to create an atmosphere of trust in the house. He shows strong love for children, but lacks severity. Very often she spoils them. She needs to pay attention to this, otherwise it may have a bad effect on the children’s adaptation in society.

The mystery of the name

Name forms

The girl is called diminutively affectionately: Ilarochka, Ilarushka, Ilaronka, Ilarchik, Ilechka, Ilyushka, Larochka, Larushka, Laronka..

Short name - Ilya, Olya, Ilya, Lara, Larya.

Declension by case

  • Nominative case – Ilaria;
  • Genitive case – Ilaria;
  • Dative case – Ilaria;
  • Accusative case – Hilary;
  • Instrumental case - Ilaria;
  • Prepositional case – Ilaria.

Meaning according to the church calendar

The church name in Orthodoxy is Ilaria.

Based on this article, you have acquired comprehensive information about Ilaria: the meaning of the name, origin, characteristic features, attitude to family relationships and business. And now you no longer even doubt whether you will name your future daughter Ilaria or not.

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The name Ilaria (lat. Hilarius) is a name of Latin origin, the roots of which go back to ancient Hellas. Translated name Ilaria means "cheerful" or "joyful", and it comes from the Latin word hilaris. In turn, the Latin word hilaris (cheerful, joyful) was transferred from the Greek language. Its meaning in these languages ​​is identical, and it sounded like hilaros or ilaros (Greek ἱλαρός). However, the etymology of the word and the etymology of the name should not be confused. The name Ilaria appeared precisely in the Latin language, but there is no such name in the Greek language.

It is worth noting that the name Ilaria also has masculine forms of the name - Ilarius and Illarion. You can find out more about these names by following the links.

The meaning of the name Ilaria for a girl

As a child, Ilaria is particularly optimistic and smiling, as well as excellent communication skills. She is a joyful and active girl who becomes the favorite of all adults. She has many friends and almost always becomes the center of attention in the company. She is a very charming girl, and she understands the power of coquetry even in preschool age. Parents should be careful, as they will be one of those on whom their daughter will test this skill.

Ilaria is not a very good student, although her grades are on average good. Her charm helps her well at school, so she gets grades “for her beautiful eyes.” It is worth noting that this does not mean that Ilaria cannot be a truly good student. Unfortunately, she is too lazy to do this, because flirting and making eyes is much easier. Parents and teachers should pay special attention to this if they want a decent education for a girl. But where Ilaria shows her natural talents is in various social activities. She loves organizational work, which often affects her entire future life path.

The health of the owner of the name can be called strong, although she also has weaknesses. Ilaria rarely gets sick and easily tolerates illness. Her vitality is high, which allows her to lead an active life. But the problem could be Ilaria’s excess weight. Owners of the name often have a tendency to gain excess weight. It is worth paying more attention to physical activity, although this usually becomes relevant in adulthood.

Short name Ilaria

Illy, Ilya, Ilka, Lara, Laria, Larka.

Diminutive pet names

Ilarochka, Ilarushka, Ilaronka, Ilarchik, Ilechka, Ilyushka, Larochka, Larushka, Laronka.

Name Ilaria in English

In English, the name Ilaria is spelled Hilary and pronounced Hilary.

Name Ilaria for international passport- ILARIIA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Ilaria into other languages

in Greek - Ιλαρία
in Spanish - Hilaria
in Italian - Ilaria
in Polish - Hilaria
in Portuguese - Hilaria
in Ukrainian - Ilariya

Church name Ilaria(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Ilaria.

Characteristics of the name Ilaria

Having matured, Ilaria does not change much in character. She is still the same sociable and optimistic person. She charges everyone around her with a positive mood, which makes her very attractive and desirable in any company. This also imposes certain restrictions on friendship with Ilaria. She often does not have close friends, because this requires more time and a completely different type of communication. One can also note Ilaria’s goodwill and desire to be useful to society. She has a rare gift of empathy, which often leads her to engage in charity work or other useful social work.

Ilaria's work often involves her ability to make a positive impression and communicate with others at ease. This talent is usually in demand in the service sector, so Ilaria will not be left without work. Well, her craving for social work often develops into professional activity.

Ilaria's family life is most often successful and cloudless. Ilaria has many fans, so she has someone to choose a worthy man from. She is a caring and loving wife, although she does not like to work around the house. But it is worth noting her ability to create a truly trusting atmosphere in the family. He loves children very much, but is rarely strict with them. She should be careful not to spoil the children. She often allows them too much, which can negatively affect their socialization.

The secret of the name Ilaria

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- A lion.

Totem animal- A lion.

Name color- Scarlet.

Tree- Poplar.

Plant- Violet.

Stone- Aventurine.



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